Our parish is collecting children’s hats, gloves, mittens and socks from November 24th to December 8th. You may leave your donated items in the box located at the front of the church. These will be distributed to Templeton Schools and to any other children in need.
Saturday, December 7th, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. and Sunday, December 8th, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., at the American Legion Hall, 3 Central St., Baldwinville. Purchase wonderful hand-crafted items, home-made baked goods, fresh wreaths and other decorations. Take a chance on theme basket raffle (over 40 baskets); Chinese auction.
50/50 raffle and more. Enjoy lunch or rest with a cup of coffee and a donut or pastry! Bring the kids to say hello to Santa!